Simple Advice to Help You Save Thousands in Interest Costs
For those that have student loan debt or know someone who has student debt, this conversation will be a huge help.
The information that we're going to share is so powerful. There are many different options for minimizing, reducing, or mitigating any student loan debt.
We talk about how to get rid of student loans. There are many different ways.
We talk about forgiveness programs, discharging and refinancing, and which one could be right for you.
We also talk about why 25 is the new 65 and how our special guest, Travis Hornsby, was able to retire at 25 but came out of retirement when he was given an ultimatum by his future father-in-law.
Plus, we talk about dormant skills that you may have right now that could be making you money.
With that said, let's get to it!
60 min
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Travis Hornsby
Founder of
Once a bond trader for one of the world's largest investment companies, Travis Hornsby traded over $10 billion of municipal securities and learned the inner workings of the financial industry. He founded Student Loan Planner after marrying a physician with $120,000 of student loan debt. Helping one of his wife's friends turned into helping 10 friends, which eventually became 3,000+ other people with student loan debt. After personally consulting on more than $500 million of student debt for thousands of borrowers, Travis has created a system that can change your life and help you reach financial independence if you owe $50,000 to $1,000,000 in student loan debt.
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